Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kensington Chronicles

I did it again. I tuned into one of those “this is how we got to this catastrophic state of affairs” radio talk shows, and a little shiver ran down my spine. Don’t get me wrong, the author, Michael Lerner is quite brilliant, and his overview of the systemic and system wide corruption in the Corn Industry is staggering…What I find interesting is the lack of emergent social structures in the face of …10 Newborn children had their umbilical cords tested after birth in the United States recently. They found 280 distinct chemicals present. 180 of those chemicals causes cancer. 217 were neurological (brain) toxins. 203 chemicals were known to cause birth defects and abnormal growth. I don’t have to mention them, but I will, if only to show the breadth and width and depth of the BAD GUYS we have to worry about. Nuclear Threat is credible. Fucking Japan is spewing the stuff forth, as we speak. West Nile Virus, Bio-Nano Technology, Wrap it up in a nice big TERRORIST Bow, and you’ve got the typical, disjointed, visually assaulted, aurally attacked , isolated, insulated individual, who, because of the cognitive dissonance commonly associated with the former, does absolutely nothing about the agreed upon, fucked up nature of our commonly shared reality. About 50% of the world has someone of the opposite sex to blame for their inertia. Having laid out in the barest fashion the catastrophic threats that loom ever present on our horizon, and having noted in passing the odd lack of fervor in opposition to so much corruption. Maybe that’s it. Because EVERYTHING I MEAN EVERYTHING (INSERT ANY LARGE PUBLIC / PRIVATE INSTITUTION ---EDUCATION—--HEALTH---DEFENSE—-CRIMINAL JUSTICE ETC. ETC.) SEEMS VENAL AND DISGUSTING
. As a late stage tactic, the Proto-Fascist Capitalists (confident in their late-game strategy) have bared their true faces, knowing that the horror of the situation would freeze most people in their tracks like a deer caught in their headlights. Seems to have worked….But Not Quite… WHAT ARE THE 5 DAILY PRACTICES THAT COULD SAVE YOU FROM ALL OF THIS?? 1. Stop watching T. V. In fact, stop reading the local paper. Try and find credible alternate sources for news analysis. 2. Meditate for 15 minutes a day. 3. Drink 2 liters of pure water per day. 4. Join a Pirate Crew 5. Join a MUSIC Group The first three should be pretty self-explanatory. The next two are a little bit trickier.

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